For any questions regarding EU GPSR or to connect you with our EU Representative you can contact us at support@reborn.homes

Discarded plastics such as polypropylene and TPE, together with metals such as stainless steel. The plastics are collected from factories and then sorted, cleaned and turned into pellets which we can then melt into new ReBorn items at our factory in Wiltshire.

The waste is collected from factories around the UK. Working with our partners at Brunel University, we also test all the materials and end products for durability, weather resistance and to ensure they’re dishwasher proof.

ReBorn products are all made and packaged at our factory in Wiltshire.

Our packaging is all made in the UK, from FSC certified and 98% recycled materials. It is also recyclable after use.

ReBorn products are designed to last for many years of normal household use. They are independently tested to be as strong & durable as equivalent products made from virgin materials.

The LCA analysis carried out by Dr Kun Qi, Dr Eleni Iacovidou and Dr George Fern of Brunel University London, revealed that the Reborn washing bowl performs significantly better in terms of lifecycle carbon emissions creating 3.60 kg CO2 eq. savings compared with an equivalent product made in the Far East from virgin materials, which amounts to a 79% reduction. The analysis included the manufacture of the polymer and product, its packaging, transport and distribution to the market as well as its end-of-life stage. The ReBorn products are designed for recycling returning the material back to the system for use in new products, promoting a true circularity in the plastics value chain.

We make products that are reusable, repairable and recyclable at end of life, via a design method called “circular by design”. This avoids the common method of “co-moulding” two materials together, which can be difficult or impossible to recycle.  Instead, we make use of single materials that are easily recyclable. This means that once you are finished with the product, it can be dropped off for recycling at many Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs). Alternatively, the design also makes it easy to repair with spare parts if something has broken. Better yet, if the product is still fit for purpose send it back for re-homing via partnerships with social enterprises in the UK…. so that they can truly be ReBorn again!

Please contact support@reborn.homes with details and a photo. We’ll investigate and try to help, for example by providing a spare part at a small cost

Please check with your local Household Waste Recycling Centre that they can recycle plastics (specifically, polypropylene 5). If the answer is no, then please contact support@reborn.homes to arrange to return it, and we’ll recycle it on your behalf.

You can donate it directly to your local charity shop or Freecycle programme, or take it to one of the Company Shop Group's Community Shop Stores,. Community Shop is the UK’s first Social Supermarket chain, serving communities with deeply discounted food and life changing development programmes. Through their stores and charity partnerships these products will find a new home with real impact .