What is the ReBorn way?

Our purpose is to transform the sustainability of the global homewares industry

ReBorn is committed to creating the most stylish and planet-friendly homewares, and driving collective change in the UK and beyond.

We do this by:

  1. Recycling Waste. Working with our partners at Biffa, we collect waste and give it a new life, dramatically reducing the need for virgin materials in the everyday products that we all use in our daily lives. By making things from recycled materials in the UK, this results 79% less carbon than alternative methods – together with a reduction in landfill and lower consumption of earth’s precious & limited resources. 


  1. Local production. We design and make everything here in the UK. Our raw materials, our packaging and our finished products are all made locally. This avoids the huge transport miles & associated carbon emissions involved in importing from Asia, where almost all such products are made. This means investing in the know-how and capability of local economy, via an amazing ReBorn team and network of like-minded partners.


  1. Circular Design. We make products that are reusable, repairable and recyclable at end of life, via a design method called “circular by design”. This avoid the common method of “co-moulding” two materials together which is difficult or impossible to recycle. And instead, using single materials that are easily reparable with spare parts, or can be recycled at many household recycling centres and also via partnerships with social enterprises in the UK, to re-home items that are no longer wanted…. so that they can be ReBorn again!


  1. Stylish Solutions. We design and make household products to help you with your everyday tasks, such as cooking, cleaning and storage. Our products are all designed to be space efficient, useful, long-lasting and ultimately recyclable again.We’ve developed a range of products with shapes, functionality  and colours extensively researched with consumers to bring beauty and practicality to our homes. And we’re planning many future categories and ranges too.


  1. Collaborative Power. ReBorn® has come about as a result of close collaborations with like-minded partners including Biffa, Brunel University, Innovate UK and now you! Only by working together can we make a change in the way we make things and do business. Will you get involved and share the message? #rebornhomes